Monday, February 25, 2008

Basketball - what else?

Janelle's first year on the Covenant Life Varsity basketball team came to a close Saturday night at Trinity University for the PVAC Championship game. While they lost the game they did win the Northern Division. Congratulations to the Covenant Life Cougars on an outstanding season! Some scenes from the game....

Friday, February 22, 2008

Learning from my children

Do you ever find yourself learning from your children? I do - regularly. And it is a wonderful, humbling, inspiring thing to experience. My girls teach me something new almost daily. They teach me to be bold, to try new things, to laugh, (I think I may teach them a thing or two in this category. Laughing is a BIG priority for me) and to see the world in a new way. Let me tell you about Janelle. This middle daughter, just 14 years old, most reminds me of myself. She has many characteristics that resemble my side of the family; the Keller side. She's artistic, comical, spontaneous, unpredictable. She makes me laugh harder than almost anyone I know. I think she and I share some of the same weaknesses as well. :) Perhaps that's a reason I empathize with her.
I love photography. My dad loves photography. He put a camera, his camera, in my hand when I was 12 years old and I never looked back. When I got my first digital camera about a year and a half ago, Janelle took it from me for a few minutes to "experiment." The rest is history. She has never taken a class but has that "eye" for photography that cannot be taught. And she inspires me all the time. I have learned so much from her in the last year about something I've loved my entire life.

These are just a few examples.

You can see more on her flickr.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Winter at the beach

Thanks to some very generous friends, Christoph and I spent the weekend at a beautiful beach house and did......absolutely nothing. Well, we slept in, read books, prayed together, ate lots, walked on the boardwalk, and went to the gym. Very refreshing!

(Thank you, Elise for holding down the fort while we were gone!)

Friday, February 08, 2008

Please pray for Sarah

Our dear friends, Dave and Jen, have recently learned that their youngest daughter, Sarah may likely have a form of cancer called neuroblastoma. This is obviously a very difficult time for them, but they are relying on God's strength and grace. It is difficult to watch our friends walk through such a painful trial, but we know they are being sustained by a loving Savior. Please pray for them as they face the long days ahead.

Monday, February 04, 2008