Tuesday, January 16, 2007

The Brewers

Pastor, Care Group Leader, fellow Terps fan, good friend - we just call him Brew.
The whole Brewer family turned up to help the Admin Team with setup for the Youth Banquet last weekend.
Taking a break to play Duck, Duck, Goose - or as Alethea calls it Cheeseburger, Hotdog, Ketchup.
These two ought to have earned the status of Honorary Admin Team members by now. Great job with the crepe paper in the lobby, Girlies!
: photo credit for this shot - Janelle :


Jessica said...
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brittany said...

wow, after seeing the empty EC in those pictures, and then remembering how GORGEOUS it was during the banquet, I've realized how much work must've gone into setting that up. I'm sure you helped, Mrs. Mays. Thank You!!!! And pass on my thanks to any admin you might see... :)

those pictures are cute, by the way. :) I really love the ones from new york a few posts down!